The FBR Award Journal

Exclusive content from our attorneys and experts on bribery, corruption, FCPA violations, whistleblowers, and corporate accountability on FBR’s law blog.

At FBR, we are passionate about corporate crime. To stay up-to-date on the latest news in the corporate crime sphere check out the posts below from our FCPA Whistleblower Law Blog on recent whistleblower outcomes, the latest SEC violations and advice for corporate leaders on how to handle a whistleblower.

How To Report FCPA Violations

Reporting FCPA violations to the wrong people or in the wrong way can have severe consequences for a whistleblower.  If you are considering becoming an FCPA whistleblower, follow our guide on how to report FCPA violations

What Is The FCPA?

Have you heard of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act at work?  In this law blog guide, we explain what is the FCPA and how you could claim a whistleblower award for reporting FCPA violations.

How To Become A Crypto Whistleblower

Regulators are regulating fraud, crime, and scams involving cryptocurrency.  If you have information on any of these topics, you could get a whistleblower reward for becoming a crypto whistleblower.

Contact An Experienced FCPA Whistleblower Attorney

Don’t miss out on your potential reward, and email us after taking our anonymous online whistleblower evaluation today. Reporting incorrectly can lead to negative outcomes– support from an experienced lawyer is key.

Call us at +44-741-836-6973

We hope our FCPA Whistleblower Law Blog will inspire you to do the right thing and report corporate crime, but if you’re still unsure, talk to one of our experienced whistleblower attorneys now.