Take the Evaluation

FBR’s award-winning whistleblower evaluation is intended to provide insight to potential claims and lawsuits on corrupt activity. The questions in the online evaluation are designed to provide insight into the strength of your whistleblower claim, but the results are only indicative and no substitute for legal advice from a qualified whistleblower attorney. This evaluation is best suited to whistleblowers who are reporting a company traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or NASDAQ, or a subsidiary thereof.

The types of qualifying misconduct for an SEC whistleblower award vary, but FBR has particular expertise in helping FCPA whistleblowers, who are people who report violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (FCPA). FCPA violations can take many forms, including bribery, corruption, and violations of internal controls. This can include offering payment or anything of value to a foreign government official to obtain or retain business. Accounting violations are also FCPA violations and range from failing to keep accurate books and records to failing to implement sufficient anti-bribery compliance policies. If you intend to report FCPA violations, FBR’s whistleblower evaluation will also provide useful information about the benefits of the SEC whistleblower program.

FBR also represents numerous whistleblowers who report Securities fraud. Securities fraud can involve Ponzi schemes, stock manipulation, broker embezzlement, and lying about investment risk or rate of return. Much of this misconduct will fall under the SEC’s jurisdiction and could result in a whistleblower reward.


Based on your answers to these questions, you may be informed that there are potential eligibility issues that affect your ability to claim a whistleblower award in a lawsuit. If this is the case and you would like to learn more about these issues and obtain advice specific to your circumstances, please contact our office here for a free consultation. You can also find more information regarding eligibility in our Award Journal.